Drew & Christine Van Tiem

Drew and Christine met in Salford, UK, for a gap year, working with local churches and schools. A few years later, after marrying and living in Chicago in the US, they returned to the UK, this time to Edinburgh to begin their work there. Full of joy and heartache, failures and successes, their time in Edinburgh has made them passionate about the neighbourhood of Leith and seeing people being transformed by God’s love and grown into maturity in Christ.

As well as their local roles in Edinburgh, they are on Communitas’ Staff Care and Development Team. Christine’s role, as TCK caregiver, allows her to use her pastoral and caring gifts – as well as her experience growing up in both France and the US – to help care for the unique experiences of families living in a country other than their passport country. Drew’s role is to help facilitate retreats and foster spiritual formation for our staff.