
Communitas International’s Statement of Faith looks to and affirms the Nicene Creed as we declare our core theology in contemporary language.

God is a God of mission

God is a God of mission. He reveals Himself as the one God known and worshipped as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and reveals His purposes in the Bible which, being divinely inspired, is fully trustworthy and authoritative.

God created us in His Image

God created humankind in His own image and called us to relate to and partner with Him in the stewardship of all creation. That relationship was broken in the sins of Adam and Eve and has been broken by all since.

God formed a covenant

God formed for Himself a covenant people in Abraham to be blessed and to be a blessing to the nations. His faithfulness persisted despite their rebellion and unfaithfulness.

God sent Jesus

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to restore all that was broken, to offer His sinless life as an atonement for all who place their faith in Him. God raised his Son from the dead and made him Lord over all, to the glory of God the Father.

Jesus Invites the Church

Jesus invites His followers, the church, to return to the partnership set out at creation, to serve Him and His purposes and to enable effective ministry that advances the Kingdom of Christ on earth.

God gave the Holy Spirit

God has given the Holy Spirit to catalyze faith in Christ and to empower godly living, compelling community and ministry that authentically demonstrates the Kingdom of God.

Jesus will return and make all things new

Jesus Christ will return at the end of times as judge of the living and the dead and will make all things new.